Entire Body Massage & Tantra Massage
for both men and women.
(Several types of relaxing Tantra massage.)
You have the chance to relax like never before on the background of relaxing music laying on a special massage table. A bathroom and air-conditional are available for additional comfort.
Classical Massage
of the entire body
Including back, spine, neck, ears, arms, waiste, buttocks, thighs, legs, feet/
1 to 1,1 hour - 70 levs or 40 €
Massage Back
spine, neck, shoulders, back waiste
40-50 minutes - 60 levs or 30€/
is a massage of the entire body including the genitals. The body shall be placed in two or three differents positions according to the physiology of the man (laying face down on elbows and/or knees)
1-1,5 hour - 80 levs or 40€/ Extra treatment can be discussed only at place.
100 levs or 50-80€/ The massage technique of Tantra has a unique effect on the human body. The combination of touch snd individual feeling has a releasing, relaxing, healing effect balancing and recharging the energy of the human body.
Relaxing Massage
of entire body – spine, shoulders, neck, ears, backwaiste, buttocks, legs, thies, feet:
1.10-1.15 hours – 80 levs or 40 €/
Deep Tissue Massage
of the entire: 1.10 hour - 80 levs or 40€/
10-1.30 hours - the price is vigher than 100 levs.
It can be individually chosen as a combination of several massages depending on time.
Local Massage
hands or feet, only back or legs:
30-40 minutes 50 levs or 25€
Healing Local Massage
if you have local pain in your back, spine, shoulders, neck, arms, wrists, hsnds, fret, knees can a local massage ve useful. This treatment costs between 50 and 80 levs (25 to 40 euro) depending on the time and the individual condition of the customer. The massage technique is called Pendaijin and is especially developed for realeasing local muscule-knots causing pain.
Tantra for Women
1.10 -1.30 hour deprnding on the physiology and potential of the customer. This treatment includes massage of the entire body and the genitals i both variations. There are two different tantra massages for women: Classical+Relaxing 80 levs/40€ orG-massage which includes massage of the female G-spot and the unique orgasm with squeer - 100 levs/40 €.
Tantra is magic...
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